About Me

Hey, I'm Jack. I'm a First Year at NCSU who is passionate about everything programming.

  • I'm currently learning C++
  • I'm interested in the intersection of Aerospace Engineering and Programming
  • I'm looking for an internship

My Journey

0. I first got into programming in 4th grade when I followed along with tutorials on how to make Minecraft mods, but I didn't really learn how to program until 8th grade.

1. The very first "language" I learned was TI-BASIC, but the actual first language I learned was Swift. I got pretty good at it, even making apps that utilized machine learning or augmented reality.

2. The second language I learned was Python, it's the language I'm most comfortable with. I've made a variety of things with it and appreciate how versatile it can be.

3. After that, I learned Java. I started getting better at it when I joined the programming division of my school's robotics team, Titanium Tigers (4829). Our robot in 2022 made it to worlds!

4. Next, with the making of this website I learned Javascript. With this new knowledge, I made several other websites and games.

5. Since then, I've continued to learn things more focused on Engineering like C, Matlab, and Solidworks.


Our robot that made it to worlds

My Future

I've been a space nerd and a computer geek my entire life, so currently, I plan to get my Bachelors in Aerospace Engineering with minors in Computer Programming and Math, and then get my Masters in Computer Science.