Random Project Template

Some Info


Here is some text giving a basic overview of what the project is. quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Watch it in Action

Here is some text explaining what is happening, what the video is showing etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


Why I made it

Here gives a background on my motivation for the project wether that be learning or fun. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

What I learned

  1. Thing that was learned

    Some more info about what was learned and how I grew

  2. Thing that was learned

    Some more info about what was learned and how I grew

  3. Thing that was learned

    Some more info about what was learned and how I grew

Learn More

Further information, background, and a download for this project are available at my Github.

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AFK Apex Bot

A bot that gets XP in Apex Legends

AFK Apex Bot GUI

A program that allows the user to AFK in Apex Legends games in order to either lower their KD or get XP. This is especially useful for finishing the battlepass or getting an heirloom as it can get a substantial amount of XP in a short period of time. Only works in 1080P and 1440P (Your primary monitor for Apex has to be one of these resolutions, check quick fixes at the bottom for a work around.). Also, it is assummed that your jump key is space and your move forward key is w but allows you to choose your interact key and tactical key.

Why I made it

I made this program mainly because the battle pass in Apex Legends takes a long time to get by manually playing, and I realized that I could automate a process to do it for me. Also, I made it because I wanted to learn more about making GUIs with python.

What I learned

  1. GUI Making with Tkinter

    This is one of the oldest and most used library for GUI making for Python

  2. PyAutoGUI

    This library allows for easy image recognition and automation

  3. PyDirectInput

    This library allows for artificially simulating mouse and keyboard inputs

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Further information, background, and a download for this project are available at my Github.

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A simple game that quickly turns to chaos

Bouncy GUI

This is a simple game made from Java that becomes a chaotic bullet-hell. I made the rudimentary game engine from scratch. It is an endless game that continually gets harder. As the player gets further into the game, the difficulty quickly ramps up with new enemies and bosses appearing.

Why I made it

I made this game because I wanted to learn more about Java and the reason why I started programming was to make games. This project helped me learn more about the Java development process and changed programming in it from a pain-filled, grueling process to a mild annoyance. Additionally, it reinvigorated my interest in programming because it made me realize how fun game development is.

What I learned

  1. Java AWT

    Java's original platform-dependent windowing, graphics, and user-interface widget toolkit

  2. OpenCSV

    This library is used for local data storage

  3. The Java Design Structure

    I learned how a project should be created and structured in Java

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Further information, background, and a download for this project are available at my Github.

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Casino Crawl

A dungeon crawler game-jam game


Me and a few friends made this game in the 2022 GMTK Game Jam. We were extremely time crunched as we didn't do anything the first day of the jam, and ended up making this game in around 12 hours. It was my first time using the JavaScript framework Phaser and it was the second real game I made. Overall, it was a lot of fun and helped me learn a lot about game development with a team.

Why I made it

I made this game because I wanted to learn more about JavaScript and because I wanted to experience what it was like making a game in such short notice.

What I learned

  1. Phaser

    A fast, free and fun open source framework for powered browser games

  2. JavaScript

    The most popular and used programming language for websites

  3. Gimp

    An open source image editor used for everything from photo manipulation to creating original artwork

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You can play this game on Itch.io!

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COC Auto Bot

A bot that automates the game Clash of Clans


This is a bot that can automate the full process of leveling up an account in Clash of Clans. This bot aims to be able to level up and upgrade a Clash of Clans account from town hall 2 to town hall 14 with very little user interference. It can collect resources, remove obstacles, upgrade and buy new buildings, train troops, and attack. The goal of the project is to prove that it is possible rather than to exploit the game.

Watch it in Action

First, the bot scans the village for an obstacle, then it finds one and removes it. Next, it opens the builder menu and checks to see if there are any available upgrades, then it upgrades a building. Next, it trains some troops and eventually starts looking for bases to attack while reading how much loot each base has. When it finds a base with higher loot than normal, it attacks it. Finally, it repeats this whole process.

Why I made it

I made this bot because I wanted to familiarize myself with OpenCV and image recognition so that I could use it on my school's robotics team's robot. We want to eventually do some image recognition and deep learning on our robot so that we can surpass other teams programmatically. Also, I made this bot because I could not find others who had tried making a bot in the same was as me.

What I learned

  1. OpenCV

    A library of aimed at real-time computer vision and image recognition

  2. Pillow

    A library used for working with and manipulating images

  3. PyWin32

    A library that provides access to many of the Window's APIs

Learn More

Further information, background, and a download for this project are available at my Github.

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DCS Terminal

A terminal that completes Datacamps


This program will automatically finish a Datacamp course in minutes using a hacker-esque terminal! It reaches into the page's source code and parses it in order to get the answers and input them. Many, many, many nuances in Datacamp and bugs with Selenium made this difficult to finish, but it is very effective.

Watch it in Action

First the program logs into Datacamp using stored user credentials. Once it has finished that, it accepts a link to a Datacamp course and then starts solving it. It solves each type of exercise either by brute forcing it, or by parsing the answers from the page's source code.

Why I made it

Me and the other creator are both very passionate about programming and learning new things, but we shared a hatred of datacamp. When we found out that all of the answers to the exercises were in the page's source code, we new we had to exploit such an obvious vulnerability. Its about the principle! Not about cheating on Datacamp! We made this in order to learn more about websites, Selenium, and the Terminal.

What I learned

  1. Selenium

    A web based automation tool

  2. Undetected Chrome Driver

    A version of chromedriver that can bypass Cloudflare

  3. How to work with others

    This is one of my few projects where I have worked with another, the experience taught me a lot about communication and working together

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Further information, background, and a download for this project are available at my Github.

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Ethermine Tracker

A lightweight program for tracking a mining address


This project is for those who might have multiple people mining to the same pool, and want to track how much each person is owed. It uses selenium to launch Chrome in headless mode and tracks how much each computer/person is mining on ethermine.org every 10 minutes. It stores the data in a csv file and displays it on the JavaFX gui.

Why I made it

I made this project to familiarize myself with GUI building in Java, and because it was a small problem that I wanted to solve. This project helped me get more comfortable with Java and JAR files while helping me automate a boring task.

What I learned

  1. JavaFX

    The flagship, Java framework for creating and delivering desktop applications

  2. Maven

    A build automation tool used primarily for Java projects

  3. Selenium

    A web based automation tool

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Further information, background, and a download for this project are available at my Github.

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A maze maker and solver


Uses PyQt5 to paint the mazes. The user can make a maze and then watch as it is solved. Uses brute force threading to solve the maze. Randomly generated mazes are a future addition. This was my first project that really got me in love with programming as it challenged me and made me grow. Since making it, I have come so far.

Why I made it

I made this program because I was bored and I wanted to prove to my Computer Science teacher that I knew how to program. Also, I wanted to learn some things like recursive functions, multi-threading, and how to make GUIs with PyQt5.

What I learned

  1. PyQt5

    A Python binding of the cross-platform GUI toolkit Qt

  2. Recursive Functions

    A function that calls itself during its execution

  3. Multi-Threading

    Running multiple processes simultaneously

Learn More

Further information, background, and a download for this project are available at my Github.

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Screen Dimmer

A simple brightness-control app

Screen Dimmer Image

This application lets you adjust the brightness of your screens/monitors individually or at once. It is especially useful for controlling the brightness of external monitors for a desktop pc. It sits in your toolbar and makes controlling brightness easy. It will detect how many monitors you have connected automatically.

Why I made it

I made this app because I have a 3 monitor setup, and they were burning my eyes at night. For some reason, windows wasn't allowing me to change their brightness and I had to manually change it with the monitors' buttons. Also, I couldn't find any better apps that weren't filled with glitches, so I made my own.

What I learned

  1. PyQt5

    A Python binding of the cross-platform GUI toolkit Qt

  2. Qt Designer

    The Qt tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces

  3. SBC

    A Python tool for controlling the brightness of your monitor

Learn More

Further information, background, and a download for this project are available at my Github.

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This Website

My Portfolio website to display my programming


This project is my personal portfolio website, the one you're viewing right now! This website was my first real introduction to webdev, and I did it with Google and trial and error, no tutorial! I'm proud of how it turned out, and I'm excited to continue making websites.

Why I made it

I made this website because I wanted a better place to show off my programming portfolio than github, and I thought: "Wouldn't it be cool to program a website to show off my programs and portfolio?" And it was! Also, I've been wanting to get into webdev and learn JavaScript for a while, and this was the perfect way to start.

What I learned

  1. JavaScript

    The most popular and used programming language for websites

  2. HTML

    The standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser

  3. CSS

    A style sheet language used for stylizing a webpage and its appearance

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Further information, background, and a download for this project are available at my Github.

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William Whitaker's Words App

My own take at a William Whitakers Latin Translation app


My own take at a William Whitakers Latin Translation app that utilizes some basic web scrapping and html parsing.

Why I made it

I made this app because I am a Latin student and I was unsatisfied with the app made for William Whitaker's Words on IOS. Also, Swift was the first language I learned, but I was getting rusty as I hadn't made something with it for a while. So, I made this app to refamiliarize myself with Swift.

What I learned

  1. Swift

    The most popular and used programming language for IOS apps

  2. SwiftSoup

    A library for webscrapping in Swift

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Further information, background, and a download for this project are available at my Github.

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Block Drop

A Tetris-inspired block game

block drop

It's a simple, block-placing game with a timer. It is like a combination of Tetris and Sudoku. When placing blocks, you can rotate them.

Why I made it

I made this app because I noticed my mother was playing a similar game, and I thought that I could do it better. Also, by making this app I taught myself SwiftUI and kept a hold on my Swift skills.

What I learned

  1. Swift

    The most popular and used programming language for IOS apps

  2. SwiftUI

    A modern way to declare user interfaces for any Apple platform

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Further information, background, and a download for this project are available at my Github.

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NCT4AA Website

The website I made for the organization, NCT4AA


This was the second website I made. I took some inspiration from some of the good parts of the website, polished some of the questionable parts, and added my own style/ideas.

Why I made it

When some of the members of NCT4AA asked me for help making a website, I couldn't say no. My beliefs align with their cause and I didn't mind the chance at getting better at Web Dev.

What I learned

  1. JavaScript

    The most popular and used programming language for websites

  2. HTML

    The standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser

  3. CSS

    A style sheet language used for stylizing a webpage and its appearance

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Further information, background, and a download for this project are available at my Github.

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Code I've developed for FRC programming.


During my time on my robotics team, I wrote a lot of code. This project contains most of the interesting stuff.

Why I made it

This code took me A LOT of time to make, so I wanted to make the journey easier for other programmers. I wanted to make a modular and easy to use version of the code my team used.

What it features

  1. AprilTag Based Pose Estimation

    I learned how to use vision data based off of AprilTags to estimate the robot's position

  2. Real Time Trajectories

    Using my own version of a PathPlanner command, the robot can create and follow paths in real time

  3. Lookup Tables

    With look up tables you can easily approximate one or multiple values based on one input

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Further information, background, and a download for this project are available at my Github.

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Titanium Tigers Website

The website I made for my robotics team.


This is the website I'm most proud of. I think it looks really awesome and is just generally really high quality.

Why I made it

My team's old website was being held together by hopes and dreams, so I decided to step in. I worked on it almost non-stop during Thanksgiving break and it was done.

What it features

  1. JavaScript

    The most popular and used programming language for websites

  2. HTML

    The standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser

  3. CSS

    A style sheet language used for stylizing a webpage and its appearance

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Go take a look at the website!

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The code for the Air Brakes module on our rocket

Rocket Graph

I'm on NCSU's High Powered Rocketry Club which competes in the NASA Student Launch Competition. In the competition, you get a lot of points if your rocket hits a specific altitude. We use air brakes, little fins that pop out of the rocket, to control the altitude. The picture above shows a graph of the data we collected from one of our flights. We flawlessly collected 36 mb of data, or 36 MILLION CHARACTERS.

Why I made it

My team had been working on air brakes for around 4 years, and we had never gotten them to work. At the beginning of the 2024 school year, I was tasked with taking over the project. This is one of the best pieces of code I have ever been a part of writing, and I'm very proud of it as it has worked extremely well.

What it features

  1. Raspberry Pi

    We use a Raspberry Pi to control the air brakes, because of this I have learned a lot about electronics

  2. PyTest

    We have extensive unit tests for this code, I have learned a lot about testing

  3. Git

    While I use Github for all of my projects, this one taught me more about how it's used in industry as we have Pull Requests, Issues, Unit Tests, Linting, etc.

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Go take a check the code out!

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